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脚 : Skids
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skids, leg, undercarriage, lower part, base
キャク キャ カク
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 1228 |
Unicode: | 0811a |
jis208: | 21-51 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
脚 Usage examples
立脚地 | standpoint |
立脚点 | standpoint |
風脚 | wind speed |
猫脚 | carved table leg with "ball and claw" foot |
偏旁冠脚 | the radicals |
豹脚蚊 | aedine mosquito (any mosquito of genus Aedes, characterized by stripes) |
馬脚を表わす 馬脚を露わす 馬脚を露す | to reveal the true nature |
脚本家 | scriptwriter, playwright, scenario writer |
ばた脚 | flutter kick (swimming), the thrash |
雲水行脚 | itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands |
脚長 | long-legged(ness) |
X脚 エックス脚 | knock knees, knock-kneedness |
脚 | counter for chairs or seats |
四脚門 | style of temple gate featuring four supporting pillars and a gabled roof |
脚がある | to have legs, to be able to get around, to be a good runner |
美脚 | beautiful legs, great legs |
脚細 | Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) |
生脚 | bare legs, bare feet, stockingless legs |