逆旅 | inn |
逆になる | to become inverted, to become reversed |
逆転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
可逆性 | reversibility |
逆転層 | inversion layer |
逆回転 | spinning the opposite way, backspin (tennis, baseball), counter |
可逆機関 | reversible engine |
可逆電池 | reversible cell |
可逆変化 | reversible change |
逆上せ | hot flash, rush of blood to the head |
逆上せ上がる | to be beside oneself, to go mad with something |
逆相 | antiphase, reverse phase |
逆玉 | man who marries a wealthy or upwardly-mobile woman, (male) gold digger |
忠言逆耳 | good advice is harsh to the ears, honest advice is often unpleasant to the ears |
悪逆非道 | heinous, treacherous, atrocious, diabolic, fiendish, inhuman |
逆転優勝 | upset victory, come-from-behind victory |
形勢逆転 | the situation reverses itself, the table is turned, the shoe is on the other foot |
大逆非道 | heinous, treacherous, atrocious, diabolic, fiendish, inhuman |
大逆無道 | heinous, treacherous, atrocious, diabolic, fiendish, inhuman |
一発逆転 | turning things around with a home run, turning the tables with a single successful attack (move) |
反逆分子 | renegade, rebellious elements |
逆手打ち | backhand (tennis, etc.) |
逆三角関数 | inverse trigonometric function |
逆引き 逆引 | reverse lookup (e.g. dictionary, address resolution, etc.) |
逆鱗に触れる | to infuriate your superior |
真逆 | the exact opposite |
逆推進ロケット | retrorocket |
逆調 | unfavourable condition, adverse position |
逆コース | reverse course, reversion |
逆子体操 | exercise regime to convert breech presentation |
逆ナン | women picking up men (on the street) |
逆ギレ 逆切れ | being angry at someone who would normally be angry at you, situation wherein the offender is angry at the victim |
逆援 | women paying boys for sex |
逆流性食道炎 | reflux esophagitis |
上下逆さま 上下逆様 | upside down |
逆捩じを食わせる 逆ねじを食わせる | to retort, to turn the tables (on someone) |
逆方向 | the opposite direction, the other way |
逆とったり | arm bar throw counter |
大逆手 | backward-twisting overarm throw |