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休 : Rest
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rest, day off, retire, sleep
やす.む やす.まる やす.める
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 642 |
Unicode: | 04f11 |
jis208: | 21-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
休 Usage examples
生理休暇 | menstrual leave |
振替休日 振り替え休日 | compensatory holiday, observed holiday (weekday holiday when the actual day is on a weekend), substitute holiday |
休心 休神 | peace of mind, relief |
休刊日 | newspaper holiday |
休耕 | lying fallow |
休漁 | suspension of fishing |
休館 | closure (of a library, museum, etc.) |
食休み | rest after a meal |
定休 | regular holiday |
体が休まる | to be (feel) rested |
連休明け | end of consecutive holidays |
夏期休暇 | summer vacation, summer holidays |
冬期休暇 | winter vacation (holidays) |
遊休地 | idle land |
年休 | yearly paid vacation (holiday) |
全休 | absence during a complete tournament |
一時帰休制 | layoff system |
休戦地帯 | demilitarized zone, demilitarised zone, DMZ |
二分休符 | half rest, minim rest |
途中休場 | quitting the tournament in progress due mostly to injury |
一服休憩 | tea (coffee, cigarette) break |
育児休暇 | childcare leave, maternity leave |
育児休業 | childcare leave, leave taken after the compulsory maternity leave |
出産休暇 | paternity leave, eight weeks of compulsory leave following childbirth, plus an optional further six weeks |
育休 | childcare leave, leave taken after the compulsory maternity leave |
休止符を打つ | to put a period to |
休猟 | suspension of hunting |
休部 | club that has suspended its activities |
飛び石連休 飛石連休 | series of holidays with one or two workdays in between |
法定休日 | legal holiday, bank holiday |
気を休める | to ease up, to relax attention |
気休め薬 | placebo |
週休二日制 週休2日制 | having two days off in at least one week of a month, five-day school-week |
有休 | vacation, (paid) holiday |