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求 : Request
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request, want, wish for, require, demand
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 220 |
Unicode: | 06c42 |
jis208: | 21-65 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
求 Usage examples
購求 | purchase |
追い求める 追求める | to pursue |
祈り求める | to pray for |
活を求める | to try to find a way out |
幸福を求める | to seek happiness, to pursue happiness |
欣求浄土 | seeking rebirth in the Pure Land |
尋ね求める | to seek for |
比を求める | to obtain the ratio |
求めに応じる | to answer a request |
直接請求 | direct claim to a local government |
利潤追求 | pursuit of profits, profit-seeking |
欣求 | earnest aspiration (to go to paradise) |
化学的酸素要求量 | chemical oxygen demand, COD |
株式買取請求権 | right of demand for buying shares |
概算要求基準 | budgetary request guidelines, ceiling for budget requests |
求職申し込み | job application |
求人市場 | job market |
求人情報誌 | job magazine |
身代金要求 | ransom demand |
損害請求 | damage claim |
要求払い預金 | demand deposit |
論告求刑 | closing argument and sentencing recommendation (of a prosecutor) |
毛里求斯 | Mauritius |
木に縁って魚を求む | to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree (Mencius) |
苛斂誅求 | imposing exacting (crushing, oppressive) taxes |
死中求活 | finding a way out of a potentially fatal situation, seeking a way out of a desperate situation |
住民監査請求 | resident audit request to local government authority |
至上要求 | overriding necessity, absolute requirement, an absolute must |
訴求効果 | customer appeal, the power to appeal to customers |
請求記号 | call number (e.g. of a book in a library) |
二十一箇条要求 | The Twenty-One Demands |
木に縁りて魚を求む | to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree |
求積法 | stereometry |
求肥飴 | type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) |
求肥 | type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) |
逮捕許諾請求 | request to arrest a member of parliament while still in session |