奥義を究める | to master the secrets of an art |
究理 | branch of neo-Confusianist scholarship |
研究室棟 | laboratory block, research laboratory building |
研究所報 | research institute bulletin |
研究の料 | research materials |
コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 | Communication Science Laboratories |
委託研究 | contract research |
研究科 | (post)graduate course |
研究課題 | research task |
研究活動 | research activities |
研究資料 | research material |
研究心 | spirit of study (inquiry, enquiry), (having) an inquiring mind |
研究題目 | subject for study (inquiry, enquiry), laboratory subject |
研究発表会 | meeting for reading research papers |
研究費 | research funds (expenses) |
研究報告 | research paper |
研究方法 | research methods, method of study (research) |
研究領域 | area of study (investigation), research area |
在外研究員 | research student (worker) abroad |
国立予防衛生研究所 | National Institute of Health |
科学捜査研究所 | crime laboratory |
原因究明 | investigation to determine the cause (of), tracing something back to its origin |
真相究明 | probe into the truth (of the matter), dig into the real facts of the case, get at the root of a matter |
徹底究明 | thorough investigation, complete inquiry |
科学研究 | scientific research |
漫画研究会 | manga club |
大学院理学研究科 | graduate school of sciences |
蘊奥を究める | to master the secrets of |
研究教育拠点 | center of excellence, COE |
科学捜査研究 | forensic research |
臨床研究 | clinical research, clinical study |
遺伝子研究 | genetic research |
最新研究 | the newest research |
研究結果 | results of a scientific investigation, findings |
実証研究 | experimental study |
パナウェーブ研究所 | Pana-Wave Laboratory (Japanese religious organization) |
近未来政治研究会 | Kinmirai Seiji Kenkyukai (faction of the LDP) |
番町政策研究所 | Bancho Seisaku Kenkyujo (faction of the LDP) |
研究熱心 | of inquiring mind, eager to study, enthusiastic in studying |