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窮 : Hard up
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hard up, destitute, suffer, perplexed, cornered
きわ.める きわ.まる きわ.まり きわ.み
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 穴 (116) |
Usage Rating: | 1756 |
Unicode: | 07aae |
jis208: | 21-71 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
窮 Usage examples
天壌無窮 | as eternal as heaven and earth |
学を窮める | to study exhaustively |
窮措大 | poor student (scholar) |
窮余の策 | desperate measure |
窮理 | branch of neo-Confusianist scholarship |
窮み無き | without limit, endless |
進退窮まる | to be at a loss, to be in a corner |
窮鼠噛猫 | A cornered rat will bite the cat, One who is cornered will fight like a devil |
困苦窮乏 | hardships and privations |
窮する | to become poor, to be reduced to poverty |
窮鼠猫を噛む | a cornered rat will bite a cat, despair turns cowards courageous |
窮鳥懐に入れば猟師もこれを殺さず | Even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter |
窮鳥懐に入れば猟師も殺さず | Even the hunter will refrain from killing the bird that has flown to him for shelter |
窮余の一策 | desperate measure, last-ditch effort |
口を窮めて | using the strongest words possible |