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挙 : Raise
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raise, plan, project, behavior, actions
あ.げる あ.がる こぞ.る
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 257 |
Unicode: | 06319 |
jis208: | 21-83 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
挙 Usage examples
軽挙 | hasty or rash act |
槍玉に挙げる やり玉に挙げる | to make an example of, to make a victim of, to hold up somebody (something) to ridicule, to single out someone for criticism |
軽率な挙 | rash act |
式を挙げる | to hold a ceremony |
薦挙 | recommendation |
選挙に出る | to run for election |
選挙を控えて | with the election around the corner |
先取点を挙げる | to score the first point |
名が挙がる | to become famous |
名を挙げる | to gain fame |
兵を挙げる | to raise an army |
例を挙げる | to cite an example |
公職選挙法 | Public Office Election Law |
市長選挙 | mayoral election |
選挙公報 | official gazette for elections |
選挙民 | voters, electorate |
小選挙区 | small electoral district, single-member constituency |
参議院選挙 | House of Councillors election |
市長村長選挙 | mayoral election |
市長町長選挙 | mayoral election |
選挙ポスター | campaign poster |
選挙運動資金 | campaign fund |
選挙集会 | campaign rally |
選挙人登録 | voter registration |
挙る | to do something as a group |
州議会選挙 | state or provincial election |
推挙式 | first ring-entering ceremony of the newly promoted grand champion, performed at Meiji shrine |
挙措進退 | behavior, bearing, demeanor |
枚挙にいとまがない 枚挙に暇が無い 枚挙にいとまが無い 枚挙に暇がない 枚挙に遑がない 枚挙に遑が無い | too many to count, too numerous to mention |
一挙両全 | killing two birds with one stone, serving two ends |
起居挙動 | behavior, bearing, deportment, manners, demeanor |
挙措言動 | speech and behavior, words and deeds |
挙動不審 | suspicious behavior, acting suspiciously |
本選挙 | original selection |
槍玉に挙がる やり玉に挙がる | to be made an example of, to be made a victim of, to be exposed to ridicule |
小選挙区比例代表並立制 | electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies |
選挙人名簿 | voter registration list, electoral register |
永久選挙人名簿 | permanent voter registration list |
大選挙区制 | electoral system allowing for the election of multiple candidates from one district, multi-member constituent electoral system |
中選挙区制 | (Japanese) electoral system allowing for the election of from 3 to 5 candidates from one district |