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享 : Enjoy
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enjoy, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
たか たかし とおる みち
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 亠 (8) |
Usage Rating: | 1893 |
Unicode: | 04eab |
jis208: | 21-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
享 Usage examples
生を享ける | to live, to be born, to come into this world |
享楽気分 | enjoyable (pleasant) feeling (atmosphere) |
永享 | Eikyou era (1429.9.5-1441.2.17) |
享徳 | Kyoutoku era (1452.7.25-1455.7.25) |
長享 | Choukyou era (1487.7.20-1489.8.21) |
享禄 | Kyouroku era (1528.8.20-1532.7.29) |
貞享 | Joukyou era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30) |
享保 | Kyōhō era (1716.6.22-1736.4.28) |
延享 | Enkyou era (1744.2.21-1748.7.12) |
享和 | Kyouwa era (1801.2.5-1804.2.11) |
享保の改革 | Kyouhou Reforms, economic reforms introduced in 1736 |