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競 : Emulate
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emulate, compete with, bid, sell at auction, bout, contest, race
きそ.う せ.る くら.べる
Strokes: | 20 |
Radical: | 立 (117) |
Usage Rating: | 610 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
競 Usage examples
競り上げる 競上げる | to bid up the price of |
競り勝つ 競勝つ | to win after tough bidding |
競り落とす 競り落す | to knock down the price of |
徒競走 | foot race |
競翔 | flying race (between pigeons) |
競輪場 | cycle racing track, esp. for keirin (course) |
過当競争 | excessive competition |
競争馬 | racehorse |
競争率 | ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants |
競馬新聞 | racing form, racing (news)paper |
競輪選手 | (professional) keirin cyclist |
地方競馬 | municipally operated (horse-)racing |
中央競馬 | horse racing operated by the Japan Racing Association |
アジア競技大会 | Asian Games |
オリンピック競技 | Olympic event, Olympic Games |
カヌー競技 | canoeing |
ジャンプ競技 | ski jumping |
トラック競技 | track events |
ハードル競走 | hurdle race |
フィールド競技 | field events |
ライフル射撃競技 | rifle-shooting competition, rifle-shooting contest |
競技会場 | sporting venue, grounds, stadium, competition venue |
経済競争力 | economic competitiveness |
国際競争 | global competition |
国際競争力 | international competitiveness |
不正競争防止法 | Unfair Competition Prevention Law |
包括通商競争力法 | Omnibus Trade and Competition Act |
競合関係 | competitive relationship, rivalry |
競争場裡 | arena of competition |
水泳競技 | (a) swimming contest |
競争優位 | competitive edge |
早食い競争 | speed-eating contest |
競争入札 | competitive bidding (esp. for government contracts) |