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為 : Do

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do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of

On 'yomi:
Kun 'yomi:
ため(tame) な.る( な.す( す.る( たり(tari) つく.る( なり(nari)
Radical: (87)
Usage Rating:831
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為 Usage examples

性行感染症(せいこういかんせんしょう)sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted infection, STD, STI
変動替相場制(へんどうかわせそうばせい)floating exchange rate system, flexible exchange rate system
(うい)perpetual change caused by karma, vicissitudes of life, that which is made
(うんい)sayings and doings, words and deeds
自分の(じぶんのために)for oneself
人類の(じんるいのために)for the sake of humanity
誰が(たがために)for whom
(ためぎん)exchange bank
馬鹿な事を(ばかなことをする)to do a silly thing
人のを思う(ひとのためをおもう)to wish someone well
病気に(びょうきになる)to fall ill, to be taken ill
不善を(ふぜんをなす)to commit vice, to do evil
身を殺して仁を(みをころしてじんをなす)to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself
の材(ゆういのざい)man of talent
(こういしゃ)doer, performer (of a deed), perpetrator
侵略行(しんりゃくこうい)act of aggression
適法行(てきほうこうい)legal (lawful) act
報復行(ほうふくこうい)act of retaliation
妨害行(ぼうがいこうい)interference, obstruction
(えいい)business, occupation
替手形(にがわせてがた)documentary draft (bill) (draught)
利敵行(りてきこうい)act which serves the interests of (benefits) the enemy
替ダンピング(かわせダンピング)exchange dumping
替マリー(かわせマリー)exchange marry
替市場(かわせしじょう)exchange market
替平価(かわせへいか)par value, exchange parity
替予約(かわせよやく)exchange contract
(しざま)way of doing
外国替管理法(がいこくかわせかんりほう)Foreign Exchange Control Law
外国替銀行(がいこくかわせぎんこう)foreign exchange bank
外国替公認銀行(がいこくかわせこうにんぎんこう)authorized foreign exchange bank, authorised foreign exchange bank
外国替市場(がいこくかわせしじょう)foreign exchange market
外国替相場(がいこくかわせそうば)rate of foreign exchange
外国郵便(がいこくゆうびんかわせ)foreign postal money order
法的行(ほうてきこうい)legal action
損ずる(しそんずる)to blunder, to fail, to make a mistake
(せいか)it may be because
自然(むいしぜん)unconditioned nature, unconditioned spontaneity
無能(むいむのう)idle and incompetent, accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so
せば成る(なせばなる)if you have a mind to do something, you can do it, if you do, it will become ..., where there is a will...
無聊(むいむりょう)boredom, ennui, tedium, wearisomeness
窃盗行(せっとうこうい)theft, act of larceny
前途有(ぜんとゆうい)having a very promising future, offering promising prospects
脱線行(だっせんこうい)aberration, aberrant behavior, eccentric (erratic) behavior, indulging in an escapade
背反行(はいはんこうい)act of disobedience (betrayal), violation, breach, infraction, infringement
売名行(ばいめいこうい)act of self-advertisement, publicity stunt
無策無(むさくむい)donothingism, do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.), being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation
替相場メカニズム(かわせそうばメカニズム)Exchange Rate Mechanism, ERM
にする(ためにする)to have an ulterior motive, to have an axe to grind
to be of benefit, to be useful, to be good for you
入るを量りて出ずるを(いるをはかりていずるをなす)consider your income before spending
外国替レート(がいこくかわせレート)foreign exchange rate
公会(いこうかい)Iko-kai (faction of the LDP)
電報(でんぽうかわせ)telegraphic remittance
自慰行(じいこうい)(act of) masturbation, pleasuring oneself