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強 : Strong
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つよ.い つよ.まる つよ.める し.いる こわ.い
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 弓 (57) |
Usage Rating: | 112 |
Unicode: | 05f37 |
jis208: | 22-15 |
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強 Usage examples
辻強盗 | highwayman |
風当たりが強い 風当りが強い | receive harsh treatment |
体が強い | in good health, having a strong constitution |
強硬策 | drastic measures, hard-line policy |
強硬論 | hard line |
語を強める | to put stress on a word |
滋強飲料 | tonic drink |
至弱をもって至強にあたる | attacking strength by means of (with) weakness |
情が強い | stubborn, hardheaded |
強い心 | stout heart, strong mind |
強いところ 強い所 | strong point |
度の強い眼鏡 | powerful spectacles, strong glasses |
富国強兵策 | policy of increasing national prosperity and military power |
勉強机 | (writing) desk |
補強筋 | reinforcement bar |
せん断強さ 剪断強さ | shear strength |
せん断強度 剪断強度 | shear strength |
猛勉強 | studying extra hard |
強がる | to cry sour grapes, to bluff, to whistle in the dark, to pretend to be tough |
強姦罪 | (crime of) rape, sexual assault |
補強証拠 | corroboration, supporting evidence |
強運 | good luck, very lucky |
強酸 | strong acid |
イオン強度 | ionic strength |
我慢強い がまん強い | (very) patient, persevering |
強含み市況 | bull market |
強気市場 | bull market |
軍事増強 | military build-up |
強 | powerhouse, one of the biggest, one of the most powerful |
強電線 | power line, high current electrical line |
強いられて | under compulsion, by pressure of |
強情頑固 | headstrong, obstinate, bullheaded |
博聞強記 | widely-read with a remarkable retentive memory |
居直り強盗 | thief who threatens violence when detected |
二大強国 | (the) two great powers |
強圧手段 | coercive (high-handed) measure, strong-arm method |
狂言強盗 | fake (staged) robbery |
強硬手段 | tough measure, firm step, strong measure |
強力無比 | being the strongest, being powerful (mighty) without equal |
強情我慢 | obstinate and self-assertive |
強欲非道 | abnormally and inhumanly greedy, cruel and rapacious |
強気相場 | bull market, bullish market, strong market |
路上強盗 | mugging, mugger |
押し込み強盗 押込み強盗 | housebreaker, burglar |
強つく | to be stiff, to be starchy |
癇の強い | irritable |
強結合 | strong coupling |
強相関電子系 | strongly correlated electron system |
勉強不足 | insufficient study |