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教 : Teach
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teach, faith, doctrine
おし.える おそ.わる
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Radical: | 攴 (66) |
Usage Rating: | 166 |
Unicode: | 06559 |
jis208: | 22-21 |
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教 Usage examples
天理教 | the Tenri sect |
異教徒 | pagan, heretic |
風教 | morals |
早教育 | early education |
教え諭す 教えさとす | to give guidance, to explain clearly, to admonish, to preach |
基教 | Christianity |
教委 | Board of Education |
教訓を垂れる | to lecture, to give a lesson |
教授陣 | faculty, professorate, group of professors |
教籍 | church membership |
顕教 | exoteric Buddhist teachings |
孔孟の教え | the teachings of Confucius and Mencius |
寿教室 | culture courses for the aged |
司教権座 | the episcopal seat |
正教授 | full professor |
平教員 | common teacher |
仏教を広める | to propagate Buddhism |
オウム真理教 アウム真理教 | Aum Shinrikyo, Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway |
一般教育 | general education |
英語教育 | teaching of English, English teaching |
英国国教会 | Anglican Church, Church of England |
企業内教育 | corporate in-service training |
教育改革 | educational reform |
教育学部 | department of education |
教育玩具 | educational toy |
教育制度 | educational system, school system |
教務課 | educational affairs section, academic affairs section |
教養課程 | general education course |
教養部 | college of liberal arts (general education), liberal arts school |
言語教育 | language education |
主任教授 | chairperson (head) (of the department of psychology) |
宗教教育 宗教々育 | religious education |
大学教育 | university education, college education (training) |
大学教授 | university (college) professor |
同和教育 | social integration education, education to eliminate discrimination (e.g. against burakumin) |
文教族 | Diet members with a special interest in education |
料理教室 | cooking class, cookery school |
秘教 | esoteric religion |
アングリカン教会 | Anglican Church |
オリエンテーション教育 | orientation |
ギリシャ正教 ギリシア正教 | Greek Orthodox Church |
ギリシャ正教会 ギリシア正教会 | Greek Orthodox Church |
コプト教会 | Coptic Church |
ヒンズー教 ヒンドゥー教 | Hinduism |