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狂 : Lunatic
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lunatic, insane, crazy, confuse
くる.う くる.おしい くるお.しい
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 1425 |
Unicode: | 072c2 |
jis208: | 22-24 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
狂 Usage examples
風狂 | arbiter of taste, connoisseur |
怒り狂う | to be in a fit (of anger), to rage |
映画狂 | movie fan, cinema enthusiast |
女に狂う | to run mad after a girl |
狂い咲く | to bloom out of season |
殺人狂 | homicidal maniac |
窃盗狂 | kleptomaniac |
露出狂 | exhibitionist, flasher |
気も狂わんばかり | frantically, maddeningly, to distraction |
狂牛病 | bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE, mad cow disease |
気狂いじみる 気狂い染みる | to look mad, to act nuts, to seem crazy |
癲狂 | madness, insanity, lunacy |
狂喜乱舞 | boisterous dance, dancing wildly |
狂言綺語 | make-believe fiction |
狂瀾怒涛 | maelstrom, the state of affairs being in great turmoil |
狂言強盗 | fake (staged) robbery |
狂言誘拐 | fake (staged) kidnapping |
狂 | somebody possessed of a (certain kind of) mental abnormality |
気狂いに刃物 | incredible danger, (handing a) sword to an insane person |
狂気の沙汰 狂気のさた | crazy deed, unbelievable deed, the height of madness, act of sheer madness |
大番狂わせ | totally unexpected result, stunning upset |
熱狂的 | wildly enthusiastic, crazy (about something) |