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興 : Entertain
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entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure
おこ.る おこ.す
おき おこっ とも
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 臼 (134) |
Usage Rating: | 734 |
Unicode: | 08208 |
jis208: | 22-29 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
興 Usage examples
旅興行 | touring show |
家を興す | to found a house |
興味が薄い | uninteresting |
興を冷ます | to be a wet-blanket |
工業を興す | to promote industry |
割興 | discount industrial bank bond |
興行界 | entertainment world |
興行成績 | box-office record |
ヨーロッパ復興開発銀行 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD |
新興企業 | start-up company |
興銀 | industrial bank |
興味索然 | uninteresting, tending to spoil the fun (pleasure) (of), throwing a wet blanket (on) |
興奮気味 | being somewhat excited (agitated) |
興亡盛衰 | rise and fall, prosperity and decline, vicissitudes |
盛衰興亡 | rise and fall, ups and downs, waxing and waning, prosperity and decline, vicissitudes |
追善興行 | memorial performance, performance in memory of someone |
興産 | industry, industries |
村興し | revitalization of a village, village renewal (project) |
町興し | revitalization of a town, town renewal (project) |
興し | development, revitalization |
興し 興 | millet or rice cake, roasted and hardened with starch syrup and sugar (sometimes including peanuts, etc.) |
不興を買う | to fall into disgrace with |
紹興酒 | shaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet) |