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業 : Business
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business, vocation, arts, performance
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 43 |
Unicode: | 0696d |
jis208: | 22-40 |
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業 Usage examples
企業内組合 | enterprise union, company union, in-house union |
企業年金 | company pension |
企業合併 | merger |
企業別組合 | enterprise union, company union, in-house union |
企業秘密 | company or industrial secret, trade secret |
企業間信用 | inter-business credit |
軽業師 | acrobat |
職業安定所 | Public Employment Security Office |
職業的 | professional |
職業軍人 | career soldier |
職業病 | occupational disease |
職業婦人 | career woman |
職業意識 | professional sense |
林業試験場 | experimental forestry station |
業苦 | karmic suffering |
旅館業 | the hotel business |
食品加工業 | food industry |
醸造業 | brewing industry |
覇業 | domination, supremacy |
斯業 | this business or profession |
座業 | sedentary work |
風俗営業 | sex industry, cabaret, club and restaurant business |
業師 | tricky wrestler, shrewd fellow |
開業を許す | to be licensed to practice (e.g. law), to be allowed to open a business |
工業を興す | to promote industry |
業が深い | past redemption, sinful |
業を煮やす 業をにやす | to be exasperated, to become irritated |
作業班 | work party |
終業時間 | closing hour |
職業別電話帳 | classified telephone directory |
授業中 | while in class |
製材業 | lumbering (sawing) industry |
賎業婦 賤業婦 | prostitute |
畜産業 | stockraising |
当営業所 | our (the present) business office |
難事業 | uphill task, difficult undertaking (project) |
文化事業部 | Cultural Affairs Department |
某の仕業 | the work (doings) of so-and-so |
輪業 | bicycle industry |
産業再生 | industrial revival or recovery |
営業案内 | business guide, catalogue |
営業活動 | business activities |
課外授業 | extracurricular lesson |
学業成績 | school record, scholastic performance |
企業内教育 | corporate in-service training |
共同作業 | group work |
業務上過失 | (professional) negligence |
業務妨害 | obstruction of business, interference of business |
銀行業務 | banking services |
建築業 | building (construction) industry, (being in) the building trade |
工業技術 | industrial technology |
工業高等専門学校 | technical junior college |
工業製品 | industrial goods |
工業都市 | industrial (manufacturing, factory) town or city |
作業員 | laborer, labourer, blue-collar worker |
作業仮説 | working hypothesis |
作業時間 | working hours |
産業構造 | industrial structure |