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極 : Poles
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poles, settlement, conclusion, end, highest rank, electric poles, very, extremely, most, highly, 10**48
きわ.める きわ.まる きわ.まり きわ.み き.める -ぎ.め き.まる
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 460 |
Unicode: | 06975 |
jis208: | 22-43 |
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極 Usage examples
極め尽くす | to do thoroughly, to check through and through |
栄華の極み | apex of prosperity |
界磁極 | field pole |
感極まる | to be overcome with emotion |
危険極まる | extremely dangerous |
極端に走る | to go to extremes, to go to excess, to go too far |
極め付きの品 | article of certified genuineness |
極小さい | very small |
惨状を極める | to present a very terrible (miserable) sight |
山頂を極める | to reach the summit |
多極化 | multipolarization, multipolarisation |
大極殿 | Council Hall in the Imperial Palace |
痛快極まりない 痛快極まり無い | extremely thrilling |
月極駐車場 月極め駐車場 | parking lot rented on a monthly basis |
負極 | negative pole, anode, south magnetic pole |
暴虐を極める | to act with extreme violence |
陰極管 | cathode(-ray) tube |
極秘情報 | classified information, top secret |
南極条約 | Antarctic Treaty |
二極化 | bipolarization, bipolarisation |
極鰺刺 | Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) |
極低温 | very (extremely) low temperature |
極まって | always, without fail, invariably, usually, regularly |
対極 | other (opposite) extreme, opposite, antithesis |
極 | climax, extreme, extremity, culmination, height, zenith, nadir |
極太 | thick, heavy thread, something extremely thick |
極右指導者 | far-right leader |
極限環境 | extreme environment |
極左団体 | far-left group |
双極性障害 | bipolar disorder |
一極集中 | heavy concentration, overconcentration |
恐悦至極 | extremely delighted |
極悪非道 | inhuman, heinous, atrocious |
極楽蜻蛉 | happy-go-lucky fellow, an easygoing and indifferent person, a pococurante |
残念至極 | deep regret, bitter disappointment, chagrin, vexation |
積極果敢 | aggressive, active and bold (daring), resolute determination |
積極財政 | expansionary fiscal policy |
道理至極 | very reasonable, being perfectly consistent with reason, standing to reason |
満悦至極 | highly delighted, very pleased, deeply satisfied, brimming over with satisfaction |
迷惑至極 | great nuisance, extremely annoying, quite embarrassing |
光陰極 | photocathode |
熱陰極 | hot cathode |
極紫外線 | extreme ultraviolet |
極め込み 極込 | type of artwork using paper, cloth and paste |
極域 | polar |
位人臣を極める | to rise to the highest possible rank |
殷賑を極める | to enjoy prosperity |
蘊奥を極める | to master the secrets of |
正極性 | positive polarity, straight polarity |
負極性 | negative polarity |
正極 | cathode, positive pole, positive electrode |
極相 | climax |