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緊 : Tense
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tense, solid, hard, reliable, tight
し.める し.まる
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 677 |
Unicode: | 07dca |
jis208: | 22-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
緊 Usage examples
緊急措置 | emergency measures, urgent countermeasures |
緊急対策 | emergency measures, urgent countermeasures |
緊急逮捕 | arrest without warrant |
緊急発進 | scrambling, scramble |
牙関緊急 | trismus, lockjaw |
緊急救命室 | emergency room, ER, casualty department |
緊急時環境線量情報予測システム | System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information, SPEEDI |
緊急通報 | emergency call |
緊急浮上 | emergency ascent (submarine), emergency surfacing |
緊急浮上訓練 | emergency surfacing drill (submarine) |
緊急部隊 | rapid force |
緊急炉心冷却装置 | emergency core cooling system, ECCS |
緊縮政策 | austerity plan, austerity program, austerity programme |
政治的緊張 | political tension |
国際緊急援助隊 | international disaster relief team, international emergency aid unit |
国緊隊 | Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA |
緊急電話 | urgent phone call, emergency phone call |
緊急集会 | emergency meeting of the upper house of the Diet (in response to dissolution of the lower house) |
緊急時 | emergency |