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九 : Nine
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ここの ここの.つ
いちじく いちのく この ひさし
Strokes: | 2 |
Radical: | 乙 (5) |
Usage Rating: | 55 |
Unicode: | 04e5d |
jis208: | 22-69 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
九 Usage examples
九死に一生を得る | to have a narrow escape from death |
九州へ下る | to go down to Kyushu |
九つ時 | noon, midnight |
千九百年代 | the 1900s |
九生 | nine lives (of a cat) |
九六 | ozeki ranked wrestler unable to live up to the expectations of his rank |
九州場所 | Kyushu (November) tournament, held in Fukuoka |
薬九層倍 | "There is a huge markup in medicines." |
九牛一毛 | a drop in the bucket (ocean), a small fraction (of), trifle |
九尺二間 | (tiny) house about nine feet wide and 12 feet deep |
九十九髪 | old woman with white hair |
九柱戯 | nine pins, skittles |
九仞の功を一簣に虧く | to fail one step short of great success, to fall at the last hurdle |
九州地方 | Kyushu region (sometimes incl. the Nansei Islands) |