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駆 : Drive
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 馬 (187) |
Usage Rating: | 1033 |
Unicode: | 099c6 |
jis208: | 22-78 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
駆 Usage examples
前駆症状 | prodome, premonitory symptom, advance symptom |
前輪駆動 | front-wheel drive |
駆け巡る 駆巡る 駆けめぐる | to run about, to rush about |
駆け下る 駆下る | to run down |
駆り集める 駆集める | to round up, to gather, to muster, to mobilize, to mobilise |
主辞駆動句構造文法 | head-driven phrase structure grammar, HPSG |
駆動装置 | running gear |
駆動力 | driving power |
駆動輪 | drive wheel, driving wheel |
駆け込み乗車 | rushing to get on the train (bus, etc.) before the door closes |