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屈 : Yield
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yield, bend, flinch, submit
かが.む かが.める
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 尸 (44) |
Usage Rating: | 1434 |
Unicode: | 05c48 |
jis208: | 22-94 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
屈 Usage examples
屈み込む 屈みこむ | to lean over, to lean in |
詰屈した | rugged |
屈折軸 | axis of refraction |
屈託のない 屈託の無い | carefree, free from worry |
腰を屈める | to bow, to stoop |
屈曲部 | elbow, elbow-shaped bend |
後屈 | retroflexion |
不屈不撓 | indefatigability, indomitableness, with unremitting tenacity |
屁理屈屋 | sophist, quibbler |
屈葬 | crouched burial |