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繰 : Winding
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winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to
Strokes: | 19 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 872 |
Unicode: | 07e70 |
jis208: | 23-11 |
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繰 Usage examples
差し繰る | to arrange, to manage |
繰り入れる 繰入れる | to reel in (e.g. net, fishing line), to add (esp. money to an account) |
繰り上がる 繰上がる 繰り上る 繰上る | to be carried (of a number in addition), to be advanced |
繰り下がる 繰下がる 繰り下る 繰下る | to be borrowed (of a number in subtraction), to be postponed |
繰り込む 繰込む | to march in, to transfer, to send |
繰り合わせる 繰合わせる 繰り合せる | to arrange, to manage (to find time) |
繰り回す 繰回す 繰り廻す 繰廻す | to roll over (debt) |
繰り戻す 繰戻す | to put back |
繰り寄せる 繰寄せる | to draw towards |
繰り替える 繰替える | to exchange |
煮え繰り返る | to boil, to seethe |
繰り取る 繰取る | to reel off |
繰糸機 | silk reeling machine |
繰延税金資産 | deferred tax asset, DTA |
絡繰り人形 絡繰人形 | mechanical doll, automaton, string puppet, marionette, person who follows orders blindly |
座繰り 坐繰り 座繰 坐繰 | hollowing out (e.g. wooden chair seat, scallop pattern on roof, etc.), spot facing (machining a flat space for bolt head, etc.), spotfacing |
蹴手繰り | pulling inside ankle sweep |
弄繰り回す | to fiddle with, to monkey around with |