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訓 : Instruction
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instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read
おし.える よ.む くん.ずる
く くに くの さとし のり ふみ
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 1134 |
Unicode: | 08a13 |
jis208: | 23-17 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
訓 Usage examples
難訓 | difficult reading of a kanji |
教訓を垂れる | to lecture, to give a lesson |
訓解 | interpretation, explanation |
訓迪 | guide, master, teacher |
訓諭 | caution, admonition, warning |
山上の垂訓 | the Sermon on the Mount |
庭訓 | home education |
和訓 倭訓 | Japanese reading of a Chinese character |
猛特訓 | training extra hard |
訓練所 | training school |
訓練生 | trainee |
職業訓練 | job (work) training (for the unskilled) |
社訓 | guiding precepts of a company, company credo, corporate philosophy |
訓 | native Japanese reading (rendering) of a Chinese character |
緊急浮上訓練 | emergency surfacing drill (submarine) |
夜間着陸訓練 | night landing practice, NLP |
訓令式ローマ字 | Kunrei-shiki romanization (romanisation), official kana romanization system |
異字同訓 | different kanji with the same Japanese reading (and usu. a similar meaning) |
訓民正音 | Hunmin-jongum, the Hankul (Hangul) alphabet (of Korea), the Onmun (Enmun) |
防火訓練 | fire drill |
訓ずる | to read kanji using its native Japanese pronunciation |
訓仮名 | (prior to the advent of kana) kanji used to represent readings of words, selected for their kun-yomi, regardless of meaning |