係の人 | official in charge, person in charge |
係り結び 係結び | connection, relation, linked form, bounded form |
関係づける 関係付ける | to relate to, to connect with |
善隣関係 | good neighborly relations, good neighbourly relations |
台中関係 | relations between Taiwan and China |
対中国関係 | relations with China |
力関係 | power relationship |
日印関係 | Japan-India relations |
深い関係 | close connection, deep involvement, close relationship |
支持力係数 | bearing capacity factor |
せん断弾性係数 剪断弾性係数 | elastic shear modulus |
静止土圧係数 | coefficient of earth pressure at rest |
受働土圧係数 | coefficient of passive earth pressure |
主働土圧係数 | coefficient of active earth pressure |
反転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
反射係数線図 | reflection coefficient chart |
反射係数 | reflection coefficient |
磁気漏れ係数 | dispersion coefficient (magnetic leakage coef.) |
逆転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
意味の関係理論 | relational theory of meaning |
上下関係 | pecking order, hierarchical relationship, vertical relationship, hyponymy |
利害関係者 | interested parties, persons concerned, stakeholder |
連係プレー | good teamwork play |
異性関係 | relationships with the opposite sex |
会計係 | accountant, accounting clerk, cashier, treasurer |
改札係 | ticket examiner (collector, inspector) (in a railroad station) |
関係官庁 | government agencies concerned with ... |
関係詞 | relative |
関係書類 | relevant documents, (all) the documents related (to the matter) |
関係法規 | related laws and regulations |
信頼関係 | relationship of mutual trust, fiduciary relation |
親子関係 | parent-child relationship |
親族関係 | kinship |
相互関係 | mutual relationship, interrelationship, interaction |
肉体関係 | sexual relations, physical relations, carnal relations |
夫婦関係 | marital relationship |
友好関係 | (establish) friendly (cordial) relations (with, between), (form) friendship (e.g. with a nation) |
予約係 | reservation desk (of an airline) |
安全係数 | safety factor |
温度係数 | temperature coefficient |
係わり合う | to get involved or entangled in, to get mixed up in, to have something to do with, to have dealings with |
医療関係者 | medical personnel |
資本関係 | capital ties |
事実関係 | all facts (of a case) |
消費者関係 | consumer relations |
対立関係 | antagonism |
敵対関係 | antagonism |
親戚関係 | relations, members of extended family |
渉外係 | liaison officer, public relations man |
係助詞 係り助詞 | binding particle (i.e. specifying an expression later in the sentence), linking particle, connecting particle |
係合 | joining elements so they mate or hook together (e.g. a clutch), engagement |
時間係審判 | judge timing the matches |
決り手係 | coach announcing the winner and winning technique |