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遺 : Bequeath
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bequeath, leave behind, reserve
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 647 |
Unicode: | 0907a |
jis208: | 16-68 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
遺 Usage examples
構造遺伝子 | structural gene |
前世紀の遺物 | extremely outmoded |
癌遺伝子 | oncogene |
遺憾に堪えない | really regrettable |
文化遺産 | cultural heritage |
劣性遺伝子 | recessive gene |
遺棄罪 | abandonment |
遺言証書 | testamentary document |
遺族補償 | compensation to the bereaved family |
遺存種 | relict |
遺伝子バンク | gene bank |
遺伝子型 | genotype |
遺伝子組み換え 遺伝子組換え | genetically modified, GM |
遺伝子操作 | gene manipulation |
遺伝子突然変異 | gene mutation |
遺筆 | writing left by the deceased |
一遺伝子雑種 | monohybrid |
遺伝子多型 | polymorphisms |
遺伝子療法 | gene therapy |
遺伝性疾患 | hereditary disease, hereditary disorder |
遺憾なく 遺憾無く | amply, sufficiently, fully, completely, all out |
遺憾千万 | highly regrettable, utterly deplorable |
遺体袋 | body bag |
意趣遺恨 | grudge, spite, malice, rancor |
世界遺産 | World Heritage (cultural, natural, etc.), World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO) |
遺恨十年 | harbouring a grudge for many years |
遺伝子研究 | genetic research |