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景 : Scenery
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Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 419 |
Unicode: | 0666f |
jis208: | 23-42 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
景 Usage examples
田園風景 | rural landscape |
雪景色 | snowy landscape |
風景画 | landscape painting |
雲景 | cloudscape |
海景 | seascape |
景勝の地 | place of scenic beauty |
天下の景 | superlative view |
夕景色 | evening scene (landscape) |
宇宙背景放射 | cosmic background radiation |
景気回復 | economic comeback (rebound, recovery, turnaround) |
景気改善策 | economy recovery plan |
景気拡大 | economic expansion, boom |
景気見通し | economic outlook |
景気減速 | economic slowdown |
景気後退 | recession |
景気縮小 | economic contraction |
景気対策 | economic measure |
景気停滞 | economic slump |
景気動向指数 | diffusion index, DI |
景気判断 | economic assessment |
景気不安 | economic malaise |
景気付け 景気づけ | putting life into, animating, cheering up |
心象風景 | imagined landscape |
鍋底景気 | lingering recession, an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out |
泡沫景気 | bubble boom, ephemenal boom |
景雲 | Keiun era (704.5.10-708.1.11), Kyouun era |
神護景雲 | Jingo-keiun era (767.8.16-770.10.1) |
伊弉諾景気 いざなぎ景気 | Izanagi economic boom (1965-70) of Japan |
岩戸景気 | the economic boom of 1958-1961 |
神武景気 | the economic boom of the mid-1950s |
借景 | making use of the surrounding landscape as a part of the design of a garden, natural scenery used as the background in the landscaping of a garden |