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系 : Lineage
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Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 567 |
Unicode: | 07cfb |
jis208: | 23-47 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
系 Usage examples
左派系 | left faction |
消化系 | digestive system |
二成文系 | binary system |
保守系無所属 | conservative without party affiliation |
冗長系 | redundant system (string, line) |
体系文法 | systemic grammar |
文字符号系 | character coding system |
運転系統 | (bus) route |
価値体系 | value system, set of values |
循環系統 | circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.) |
知識体系 | body of knowledge |
中枢神経系 | central nervous system, CNS |
電気系統 | electrical system |
同系色 | similar color, similar colour |
傍系血族 | collateral relation by blood |
理工系 | science and technology |
理論体系 | body of theory |
アクチニウム系列 | actinium series, Actinides |
ウラン系列 | uranium series |
スペクトル系列 | spectral series |
トリウム系列 | thorium series |
異系交配 | exogamy, outbreeding |
胃水管系 | gastrovascular system |
開放血管系 | open blood-vascular system |
慣性系 | inertial system |
正規直交系 | normalized orthogonal system, normalised orthogonal system |
事務系労働者 | white-collar |
出会い系サイト | online dating Web site |
成果主義賃金体系 | merit-based wage system |
免疫系 | immune system |
バントゥ系言語 | Bantu language (of the Bantu language family) |
外資系 | foreign capital group, foreign company |
系統別総当り | rule prohibiting match-ups between wrestlers from the same family |
三環系抗うつ剤 | tricyclic antidepressant |
三環系抗うつ薬 | tricyclic antidepressant |
国系 | country of origin, ethnicity |
家系伝説 | family legend |
癒し系 | therapy, healing, rejuvenating, refreshing, soothing |
強相関電子系 | strongly correlated electron system |
ピリン系 | pyrine medicine |
少数多体系 | few-body |
B系 ビー系 | hip-hop culture, Black culture (esp. breakdancing culture) |
秋葉系 アキバ系 | Akihabara style, nerdy |
A系 エー系 | Akihabara style, nerdy |
お姉系ギャル | fashion style characterized by brown hair and deep-tanned skin, expensive brand-name clothes and accessories |
お姉系 | fashion style characterized by brown hair and deep-tanned skin, expensive brand-name clothes and accessories |
ヴィジュアル系 ビジュアル系 | handsome man (esp. one who knows this) |