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軽 : Lightly
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lightly, trifling, unimportant
かる.い かろ.やか かろ.んじる
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 車 (159) |
Usage Rating: | 790 |
Unicode: | 08efd |
jis208: | 23-58 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
軽 Usage examples
軽口話 | light jest or story |
軽水 | light water |
軽め 軽目 | light (weight) |
軽合金 | light alloy |
軽舟 | light boat, skiff |
軽妙洒脱 | witty, smart and polished |
軽佻 | flippant |
軽信 | gullibility |
軽便鉄道 | narrow-gauge railroad, light railway |
軽浮 | fickle, frivolous |
軽挙 | hasty or rash act |
軽捷 | nimble |
軽業師 | acrobat |
軽罪 | minor offense, minor offence, misdemeanor, misdemeanour |
軽演劇 | light comedy |
軽薄短小 | small and light |
軽鴨 | spot-billed duck (Anas poecilorhyncha) |
軽爆撃機 | light bomber |
軽躁 | thoughtless, flighty |
軽い犯罪 | minor offense, minor offence |
軽率な挙 | rash act |
尻軽な女 | wanton girl |
尻の軽い女 | wanton girl |
厘毛の軽重無し | equal in weight, equal in significance |
軽トラック | minitruck, light truck, small truck, light pickup |
軽カー | k-car, kei car, lightweight car with low registration costs |
軽犯罪法 | Minor Offenses Act |
軽量級 | lightweight class |
軽電機 | (electrical) appliance |
軽 | light (e.g. vehicle, aircraft, etc.) |
気軽い | cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted |
軽自動車税 | light vehicle tax |
軽水原子炉 | light-water nuclear reactor |
軽度認識障害 | mild cognitive impairment, MCI |
軽んずる | to despise, to belittle, to look down on |
重軽傷 | major or minor injuries |
軽竜騏兵 | (Royal) light cavalry |
短慮軽率 | impulsive and imprudent, rash and unthinking |
軽鬆土 | soil formed from fine volcanic ash, humus |
足軽大将 | samurai in command of a troop of foot soldiers |
簡易軽便 | simple, easy, and convenient |
軽薄才子 | shallow, glib and obsequious person |
軽い気持ち | casual, doing something without taking it too seriously |
軽口を叩く | to crack jokes |