薫育 | moral influence, moral education |
早教育 | early education |
深窓に育つ | to be brought up with tenderest care in a good family |
氏より育ち | birth is much, but breeding is more |
甘やかして育てる | to bring up indulgently, to coddle |
神戸育ち | raised in Kobe |
育ちが良い 育ちがよい | well-bred |
育ちすぎる 育ち過ぎる | to be overgrown |
養い育てる | to bring up, to foster, to rear |
育児書 | book on child-rearing |
一般教育 | general education |
英語教育 | teaching of English, English teaching |
企業内教育 | corporate in-service training |
教育改革 | educational reform |
教育学部 | department of education |
教育玩具 | educational toy |
教育制度 | educational system, school system |
言語教育 | language education |
宗教教育 宗教々育 | religious education |
体育祭 | athletic festival |
大学教育 | university education, college education (training) |
同和教育 | social integration education, education to eliminate discrimination (e.g. against burakumin) |
保育料 | fee for day-care |
オリエンテーション教育 | orientation |
安全衛生教育 | safety education |
育児ノイローゼ | maternity nerves, maternity neurosis |
育児嚢 | pouch (of a marsupial), marsupium |
育雛 | brooding |
保育施設 | child-rearing facility |
育ち盛り | growth period (in children) |
ゆとり教育 | "education with breathing space" system, pressure-free education |
延長保育 | extended-hours childcare (in day-care centers for parents working into the night) |
造形教育 | education in art and design, education in drawing and manual arts |
知育偏重 | too much intellectual training, overemphasis on intellectual education |
育児休暇 | childcare leave, maternity leave |
育児施設 | child care facilities |
育児休業 | childcare leave, leave taken after the compulsory maternity leave |
育休 | childcare leave, leave taken after the compulsory maternity leave |
特殊教育学校 | special school for handicapped children |
教育実習生 | student teacher, trainee teacher |
研究教育拠点 | center of excellence, COE |
教育体制 | educational system |
障害者教育 | special education, education of the handicapped |
教育漢字 | list of 1,006 kanji taught in Japanese primary schools |
生まれ育つ 生れ育つ | to be born and raised (in one particular place) |
体育会系 | sports-minded, sports-oriented |
教育ママ | woman who is obsessed with the education of her children |
教育水準 | educational standards |
スパルタ教育 | hard education, hard training, Spartan education |
療育 寮育 | rehabilitation (e.g. of disabled children) |
発育発達 | physical growth and development |