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健 : Healthy
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healthy, health, strength, persistence
かつ たけ たけし たて とし やす やすし
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 572 |
Unicode: | 05065 |
jis208: | 23-82 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
健 Usage examples
健康に良い 健康によい | good for the health |
健康管理 | health care (e.g. for the aged), health management, health maintenance |
保健衛生 | hygiene, sanitation |
保健室 | school infirmary |
保健制度 | public health system |
学校保健 | school health |
健常者 | healthy person, non-handicapped person |
健康医療団体 | health maintenance organization (organisation), HMO |
健康保険制度 | health insurance system |
国民健康保険制度 | national health insurance program (programme) |
健康上 | health (concerns, reasons, etc.) |
穏健路線 | moderate line, middle-of-the-road line (in politics) |
頑健無比 | being of very robust health |
特定保健用食品 | food for specified health uses (e.g. cholesterol reduction), FOSHU, designated health food |
健康診断書 | health certificate |
老人保健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
老健施設 | rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
健康そのもの | the very image of health itself, picture of health |
健康人 | healthy person |
健闘むなしく 健闘空しく 健闘虚しく | fighting in vain |
保健室登校 | going straight to the infirmary in school |
保健福祉 | health and welfare |