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券 : Ticket
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 583 |
Unicode: | 05238 |
jis208: | 23-84 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
券 Usage examples
流通証券 | negotiable securities |
旅券査証 | visa |
座席指定券 | reserved-seat ticket |
証券取引法 | Securities and Exchange Act |
乗船券 | boat ticket, passage ticket |
貯蓄債券 | savings bond |
定期乗車券 | season ticket, commutation (commuter) ticket |
半券 | stub (of a ticket) |
確定利付証券 | fixed interest-bearing securities |
ニューヨーク証券取引所 | New York Stock Exchange, NYSE |
債券格付け | bond rating |
債券発行 | debt issuance, bond issuance |
資産担保証券 | asset-backed securities, ABS |
証券詐欺 | securities fraud |
政府短期証券 | financing bill, FB |
大蔵省証券 | treasury bill, TB |
東京証券取引所 | Tokyo Stock Exchange, TSE |
米国預託証券 | American depositary receipt, ADR |
万券 | ten-thousand yen note |
学校債券 | school bond or debenture |
ギフト券 | gift certificate, gift voucher |
旅行券 | travel voucher, travel coupon |
沽券に関わる 沽券にかかわる | to be a point of honor |
証券業界 | securities industry |
格安航空券 | discount airline ticket |