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剣 : Sabre
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sabre, sword, blade, clock hand
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 刂 (18) |
Usage Rating: | 1305 |
Unicode: | 05263 |
jis208: | 23-85 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
剣 Usage examples
剣ヶ峰 剣ケ峰 剣が峰 | dire or risky situation with no room for error, sink-or-swim position |
剣峻 | steep, precipitous |
撃剣 | fencing, kendo |
剣鬼 | devilish swordsman |
剣の道 | swordsmanship |
剣の山 | mountain (in hell) covered in swords, which are buried so their tips point upward |
長剣 | ancient longsword |
銃剣道 | form of modern martial art using the bayonet |
斬鉄剣 | sword that cuts iron |
剣状突起 | xiphoid process, ensiform cartilage |
剣竜 | stegosaur (any dinosaur of infraorder Stegosauria) |
弓馬槍剣 | archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship, martial arts in general |
剣歯虎 | saber-toothed tiger (sabre) |
剣闘士 | gladiator |
剣道着 | kendo gi, kendo uniform |
剣道場 | kendo hall |
活人剣 | life-saving sword (a killing sword may be a sword of life depending on how it is used) |
銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法 | Swords and Firearms Control Law (1958) |