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険 : Precipitous
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precipitous, inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 707 |
Unicode: | 0967a |
jis208: | 24-17 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
険 Usage examples
厚生年金保険 | welfare annuity insurance |
険峻 | steep, precipitous |
険難 | steep, dangerous |
危険極まる | extremely dangerous |
危険を冒す | to brave (defy) a danger |
険悪の相 | a wild look |
険しい山 | steep mountain, craggy mountain |
国民皆保険 | medical insurance for the whole nation |
天険に拠る | to hold a mountain fortress |
保険を掛ける 保険をかける | to insure (something) |
生命保険会社 | life insurance company |
保険屋 | insurance man |
保険勧誘員 | insurance salesman (saleswoman) |
冒険家 | adventurer |
冒険心 | adventurous spirit, sense of adventure |
一部保険 | under-insurance |
運賃保険 | insurance on freight |
貨物保険 | cargo insurance |
海外旅行生命保険 | overseas travel life insurance |
学資保険 | educational endowment insurance |
医療保険制度 | medical insurance system |
介護保険 | nursing insurance |
介護保険制度 | nursing-care insurance system |
健康保険制度 | health insurance system |
国民健康保険制度 | national health insurance program (programme) |
保険制度 | insurance regime |
貿易保険 | trade insurance |
旅行保険 | travel insurance |
大冒険 | great adventure |
冒険野郎 | adventure lover |
危険日 | dangerous day (one on which conception is likely to occur) |
保険業 | (the) insurance business |
保険証書 | insurance papers, certificate of insurance |
危険運転致死罪 | vehicular manslaughter |
保険証明書 | insurance certificate |
保険者 | insurer |