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幻 : Phantasm
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phantasm, vision, dream, illusion, apparition
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 幺 (52) |
Usage Rating: | 1564 |
Unicode: | 05e7b |
jis208: | 24-24 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
幻 Usage examples
幻肢 | phantom limb |
幻覚症状 | hallucination |
幻覚キノコ | hallucinogenic mushroom |
変幻出没 | being protean and elusive, appear and disappear like a phantom |
泡沫夢幻 | transient, ephemeral, fleeting, evanescent |
夢幻泡沫 | transient, ephemeral, fleeting, evanescent |
幻妖 | ghost, monster, etc., the true identity of which is unknown |
幻想的 | fantastic, magical, wondrous, whimsical, fairytale-like, romantic |
幻日 | parhelion, sun dog, sundog (bright spot on either side of the sun caused by refraction of sunlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere) |
幻月 | paraselene, moon dog, moondog (bright spot on either side of the moon caused by refraction of moonlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere) |