牢固 | firm, solid |
練り固める | to harden by kneading |
差し固める 差固める | to close or shut tight, to warn sharply |
頭が固い | thickheaded, obstinate, inflexible, stubborn |
固い約束 | solemn promise |
固練りコンクリート | stiff-consistency concrete |
決心を固める | to make a firm resolution |
決意が固い | firmly determined |
国境を固める | to fortify the frontier |
団結が固い | strongly united |
土を固める | to harden earth into a mass |
鉄の固まり | iron ingot |
拝金主義の固まり | money-worshiper |
欲の固まり | incarnation of selfishness, lump of avarice |
締め固める | to compact |
守備固め | making replacements for defensive purposes in the late inning of a game |
固定票 | solid (an assured, a safe) vote, solid (assured) support |
固い話 | serious topic (of conversation) |
頑固一徹 | stubborn, obstinate |
頑迷固陋 | obstinate, stubborn, hard-headed, being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality |
強情頑固 | headstrong, obstinate, bullheaded |
志操堅固 | being of firm purpose and deep commitment, constancy, true blue |
要害堅固 | (a fortress being) impregnable, unassailable |
狷介固陋 | stubbornly sticking to old ways |
意志堅固 | strong determination, strong-willed, having strong will power, firmness of purpose |
頑固親父 | stubborn (obstinate) father, pig-headed old man |
堅牢堅固 | firm and solid, stout and durable |
固着観念 | fixed idea, idee fixe, obsession, fixation |
固陋頑迷 | obstinate, stubborn, hard-headed, being incapable of making sound judgments because of a narrow, inflexible and obstinate mentality |
金剛堅固 | firm and solid, sturdy and indestructible, unshakable, adamantine |
道心堅固 | being of firm (unshakable) faith and strict practice |
道徳堅固 | of strict morals (moral principles), highly moral |
用心堅固 | very cautious (watchful, vigilant), taking every possible precaution |
臍を固める ほぞを固める | to resolve firmly (to do something) |
固練り | stiff consistency, thick paste |
固焼き 固焼 | hard-baked, hard |
身を固める | to attire oneself, to outfit oneself, to marry and raise a family |
固有種 | endemic species |
固定電話 | landline phone, fixed phone (in contrast to mobile) |
固電 | landline phone, fixed phone (in contrast to mobile) |
禁固刑 | (penalty of) imprisonment |
塗り固める 塗固める | to coat a surface with something that adheres strongly when hardened (i.e. grout, plaster, lacquer) |