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御 : Honorable
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honorable, manipulate, govern
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 彳 (60) |
Usage Rating: | 1087 |
Unicode: | 05fa1 |
jis208: | 24-70 |
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御 Usage examples
醜の御楯 | the humble shield of our Sovereign Lord |
大御代 | glorious reign of the Emperor |
御顔 | your (honorable) face (honourable) |
御食事処 | (Japanese) restaurant |
御玉 | hen egg |
御開き | breakup (of a ceremony, wedding, party, meeting, etc.), closure |
御意見を伺う | to ask the opinion of (a superior) |
御機嫌麗しい | in good humor (humour) |
御機嫌斜め | in a bad temper, cranky, crabby |
御希望の向きは | those who want it |
御自身 | himself, yourself, herself |
御仁 御人 | personage |
御成功 | your success |
御前を退く | to withdraw from the presence (of the Emperor) |
御存じの方 | people who know |
御府内 | within the town limits of Edo |
御利益 | efficacy, divine favour, blessing, miracle, answer to a prayer |
御両親 | your (honorable, honourable) parents |
御寮人 | mistress, madam |
炊き込み御飯 炊込み御飯 | rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients |
御霊代 | something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead |
御台 | wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman |
変位制御 | displacement controlled |
構成素統御 | constituent command |
斜格性統御 | obliqueness command |
姫御子 | imperial princess |
御世話をする | to take care of |
御手前 | etiquette of tea-ceremony, dexterity, artistry, ingenuity |
御神体 | shintai, object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine |
御虎子 御丸 | bedpan, chamber pot, potty |
フィードバック制御 | feedback control |
御互い | mutual, reciprocal, each other |
御笑い | something laughable, comic |
御越し | coming, going |
御手数 | trouble, bother |
御出まし 御出座し | appearance, presence |
御立ち | polite term for calling, departing and staying where one is |
御邪魔虫 | someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose, fly in the ointment, buttinsky, third wheel |
御都合主義者 | opportunist |
御粗末 | poor, lame, ill-prepared |
御馴染み | familiar, well-known, regular (e.g. customer), old stand-by |
御機嫌よう | adieu, farewell, bon voyage |
御祖母ちゃん 御婆ちゃん | granny, grandma, gran, female senior-citizen |
夕御飯 | evening meal, dinner, supper |
御庭番衆 | Oniwaban |
御っ母さん | mother (term commonly used until the end of the Meiji period), mom, mum, mama |
御暇 | free time, leisure, spare time |
御父つぁん 御父つあん | father (term commonly used until the end of the Meiji period), Dad |