書き候 | (have the honor, honour) to write |
厳寒の候 | the coldest season (weather) |
候補者を立てる | to put up a candidate |
候調 | epistolary style |
亜寒帯気候 | subarctic climate |
亜熱帯気候 | subtropical climate |
優勝候補 | favorite (top choice) for the championship (favourite), best bet for the title |
立候補者 | candidate (for) |
アイゼンメンゲル症候群 | Eisenmenger syndrome |
アダムスストークス症候群 | Adams-Stokes syndrome |
ハッカー症候群 | hacker syndrome |
モンスーン気候 | monsoon climate |
過換気症候群 | hyperventilation syndrome |
過敏性大腸症候群 | irritable colon syndrome |
海岸気候 | coastal climate, littoral climate |
乾燥気候 | arid climate |
重症急性呼吸器症候群 | severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS |
インスリン抵抗性症候群 | insulin-resistance syndrome |
後天性免疫不全症候群 | acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS |
女性候補 | female candidate |
多嚢胞性卵巣症候群 | polycystic-ovary syndrome |
大統領候補 | presidential candidate |
副大統領候補 | candidate for vice-president, running mate (US) |
幼児突然死症候群 | sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS |
エコノミークラス症候群 | economy class syndrome (occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in air travelers) |
QT延長症候群 | long QT syndrome |
居候生活 | sponging on other people for accommodation |
気候風土 | climate and natural features (of a region) |
天候不順 | unseasonable weather, fickle weather, bad weather |
風土気候 | climate and natural features (of a region) |
有力候補 | major contender, strong (leading) candidate, front runner |
阿候鯛 | red rockfish, red scorpionfish |
又候 | (yet) again |
検索候補 | search results |
中年症候群 | mid-life crisis |
スティーブンスジョンソン症候群 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
睡眠時無呼吸症候群 | sleep apnea syndrome, SAS |
溶血性尿毒症症候群 | hemolytic-uremic syndrome, HUS |
ブルガダ症候群 | Brugada syndrome (genetic condition resulting in increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest) |
燃え尽き症候群 | burnout syndrome |
低髄液圧症候群 | cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia, CSF hypovolemia, intracranial hypotension syndrome |
皮膚粘膜眼症候群 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
重複立候補 | simultaneously running for a seat in a single-member constituency and a seat in a proportionally representated constituency |
熱帯雨林気候 | tropical rain forest climate |
熱帯モンスーン気候 | tropical monsoon climate |
全天候型 | all weather (model) |
刺客候補 | candidate for assassination |