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巧 : Adroit
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adroit, skilled, ingenuity
たく.み たく.む うま.い
かつ たくみ よし
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 工 (48) |
Usage Rating: | 1537 |
Unicode: | 05de7 |
jis208: | 25-10 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
巧 Usage examples
巧走 | good running |
巧と拙 | skillfulness and clumsiness |
巧を誇る | to be of excellent workmanship |
巧まぬ | natural, artless, guileless |
巧みな手段 | clever trick |
巧みに操る | to maneuver, to manoeuvre, to manipulate |
巧む | to devise, to plot, to plan |
巧遅拙速 | better being rough and ready than slow and elaborate, better being brisk and sharp than slow and prudent |
巧くやる | to manage something successfully, to be successful |
精妙巧緻 | exquisite and elaborate |
大胆巧妙 | bold and clever, daring and ingenious, audacious and masterly |
巧言令色鮮し仁 巧言令色少なし仁 巧言令色すくなし仁 | those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion, a honeyed tongue with a heart of gall |