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攻 : Aggression
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aggression, attack, criticize, polish
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 工 (48) |
Usage Rating: | 532 |
Unicode: | 0653b |
jis208: | 25-22 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
攻 Usage examples
質問攻め | barrage of questions |
敵の攻撃を退ける | to beat off an attack by the enemy |
首位攻防戦 | game or series of games between the first and second place teams |
個人攻撃 | personal attack, personal denunciation |
集中攻撃 | (making, launching) concentrated attack (on, against) |
先制攻撃 | preemptive attack (strike) |
専攻科 | non-degree course for graduates |
対地攻撃 | ground attack, air-raid |
化学攻撃 | chemical attack |
奇襲攻撃 | surprise attack, ambush |
軍事攻撃 | military attack, military strike |
軍事攻勢 | military offensive |
攻撃型潜水艦 | attack submarine |
攻撃成果評価 | damage assessment |
自爆攻撃 | suicide bomb attack |
武力攻撃 | armed attack |
放射能攻撃 | radiological attack |
特別攻撃隊 | special attack unit, suicide squad, kamikaze unit |
後攻め | taking to the field first |
攻勢防御 | attack as a form of defense, attacking (active) defense |
宣伝攻勢 | propaganda campaign (offensive), advertising (promotional) offensive |
論難攻撃 | attacking by argument, denunciation, condemnation, heated controversy |
攻めあぐねる 攻め倦ねる | to be at a loss how to continue, to become disheartened |
特攻服 | type of long jacket worn by bousouzoku biker gang members, etc. |
テト攻勢 | Tet Offensive (North Vietnamese offensive launched in January 1968) |
攻撃性 | aggressiveness, aggression |
三所攻め | triple attack force out |