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構 : Posture
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posture, build, pretend
かま.える かま.う
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 316 |
Unicode: | 069cb |
jis208: | 25-29 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
構 Usage examples
構い手 | companion |
構成分子 | components |
構成員 | members |
構造不況 | structural recession |
構造主義 | structuralism |
構造汚職 | structural corruption |
構造式 | structural formula |
構造言語学 | structural linguistics |
構造遺伝子 | structural gene |
斜に構える | to stand ready (to do), to adopt a formal attitude |
所構わず ところ構わず | irrespective of the occasion, indiscriminately |
構わない | no problem |
銃を構えて | ready with a rifle leveled |
基底構造 | deep structure, underlying structure |
句構造規則 | phrase structure rule |
句構造文法 | phrase structure grammar, PSG |
構成素構造 | constituent structure |
構成素統御 | constituent command |
構造記述 | structural description |
構造変化 | structural change |
構造保持 | structure preserving |
主辞駆動句構造文法 | head-driven phrase structure grammar, HPSG |
素性構造 | feature structure |
談話表示構造理論 | discourse representation structure theory, DRS |
等位構造 | coordinate structure |
表層構造 | surface structure |
部分情報構造 | partial information structure |
化学構造 | chemical structure, chemical constitution |
家族構成 | family structure |
構成主義 | constructivism |
構成比 | component distribution ratio (statistics), component ratio, proportion |
構築物 | structure |
産業構造 | industrial structure |
内部構造 | inner structure, internal anatomy |
日米構造協議 | Structural Impediments Initiative talks, SII |
流通機構 | distribution system |
サンドイッチ構造 | sandwich structure |
シェル構造 | shell construction |
パネル構造建築 | panel construction |
ラーメン構造 | Rahmen, rigid-frame structure |
価格機構 | price mechanism |
海洋構造物 | offshore structure |
構造化問い合わせ言語 | structured query language, SQL |
構造改革 | structural reform, restructuring |
構造改革論 | structural reform theory |
財政構造 | fiscal structure |
資本構成 | capital structure |
資本再構成 | recapitalization, recapitalisation |
身構える | to put oneself on guard, to stand ready, to square off |
構体 | body structure |
結構大変 | quite a chore, not that easy, fairly difficult |
政権構想 | planning a new government, plan for a new administration |
免震構造 | base isolated system, quake-absorbing structure |
殻構造 | shell structure |
音無しの構え | lying low, saying nothing and waiting for an opportunity |