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因 : Cause
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cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to
よ.る ちな.む
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 囗 (31) |
Usage Rating: | 636 |
Unicode: | 056e0 |
jis208: | 16-88 |
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因 Usage examples
素因数 | prime factor |
因となり果となる | to constitute the cause and effect |
因をなす 因を成す | to give rise to, to cause |
風邪に因る発熱 | fever caused by a cold |
従因 | secondary cause |
導因 | incentive, inducement |
因 | reminder, memento, clue, way, means |
経済的要因 | economic factor |
赤血球生成促進因子 | erythropoietin, EPO |
因む | to be associated (with), to be connected (with) |
因りけり | depends on |
因果因縁 | cause and effect, karma, retribution, an evil cause producing an evil effect |
因果覿面 | the swiftness of retributive justice |
因習道徳 | conventional morality (morals) |
原因究明 | investigation to determine the cause (of), tracing something back to its origin |
三世因果 | retribution spanning the three temporal worlds (present, past, future) |
に因り | according to, by (means of), due to, because of |
原因療法 | definitive therapy |
主要因 | primary factor, main cause |
に因んで | named after, associated with, connected with |
因縁をつける 因縁を付ける | to invent a pretext for a quarrel, to pick a fight |
因果を含める | to persuade someone to accept the inevitable |
マクロファージ遊走阻止因子 | macrophage migration inhibitory factor, MMIF |