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講 : Lecture
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lecture, club, association
Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 653 |
Unicode: | 08b1b |
jis208: | 25-54 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
講 Usage examples
欠講 | cancellation of lecture or class |
講中 | religious association |
講社 | religious association |
講和条約 | peace treaty |
講書 | interpretation of a book |
講習会 | class, short course |
講釈 | lecture, exposition |
講釈師 | professional storyteller |
講義録 | lecture transcript |
講演者 | lecturer, speaker |
講説 | explanation (by lecture) |
講談師 | professional storyteller |
えびす講 恵比寿講 恵比須講 夷講 戎講 | fete in honor of Ebisu (honour) |
講武 | military training |
講和 | reconciliation, peace |
策を講ずる | to take (adopt) measures |
手段を講じる | to take steps (measures) |
頼母子講 たのもし講 | mutual financing association |
無尽の講 | mutual financing association |
講和会議 | peace conference |
受講者 | member (of a class), trainee, participant |
集中講義 | closely-packed series of lectures, intensive course |
専任講師 | full-time lecturer, instructor |
短期集中講座 | short, intensive course |
受講生 | students attending lectures |
長講一席 | (make) a long talk (discourse, lecture) |
出前講師 | lecturer on demand, guest speaker on demand |
講述 | university lecture |
基調講演 | keynote speech |
サンフランシスコ講和条約 | Treaty of San Francisco, Treaty of Peace with Japan (Sept. 8, 1951) |
対日講和条約 | Treaty of Peace with Japan, Treaty of San Francisco (Sept. 8, 1951) |