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引 : Pull
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pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
ひ.く ひ.き ひ.き- -び.き ひ.ける
いな ひき ひけ びき
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 弓 (57) |
Usage Rating: | 218 |
Unicode: | 05f15 |
jis208: | 16-90 |
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引 Usage examples
間引く | to thin out, to cull, to run on a curtailed schedule |
引き直す 引直す 引きなおす | to consult (a reference) again |
引っくるめる 引っ括める | to lump together, to include |
引き倒す | to pull down |
引き剥ぐ | to tear off |
引っ剥ぐ | to tear off |
引き摺り出す 引きずり出す 引摺り出す | to drag out |
引き摺り回す 引きずり回す 引摺り回す | to drag around, to pull about, to lead around (by the nose) |
湯引く | to parboil, to scald |
風邪を引いている | to have a cold |
油を引く | to oil (e.g. a frying pan), to grease |
引喩 | allusion |
岡っ引き 岡引 | hired thief taker (Edo period), private secret policeman, private detective |
水を引く | to draw water (e.g. from a river), to lead water to (e.g. a field, a pond), to supply water to, to irrigate |
学校が引けてから | after school |
証券取引法 | Securities and Exchange Act |
図面を引く | to draw a plan |
線を引く | to draw a line |
手を引く | to lead by the hand |
電話を引く | to install a telephone |
花を引く | to play hana cards |
引け目を感じる | to feel inferior, to feel small |
引っ捕らえる 引っ捕える | to arrest, to capture, to seize |
引ん剥く | to strip, to peel, to tear off |
棒を引く | to draw a line |
幕を引く | to draw closed the curtain (of a theatre, etc.), to come to an end |
弓を引く | to draw a bow, to oppose, to defy |
良い引きがある 良い引きが有る | to have a strong pull |
例を引く | to cite an example |
引力圏 | gravitational field (of a celestial body), sphere of gravitation, gravisphere |
割引価格 | reduced price |
割引切符 | reduced fare ticket, discount ticket |
団体割引 | group discount (rate, reduction) |
引き延ばし 引き伸ばし 引伸ばし 引延ばし | enlargement, prolongation |
引き落とし 引落とし | debit, frontal pull-down, hiki-otoshi |
インサイダー取引 | insider trading |
オプション取引 | option trading, option dealing, option transaction |
スワップ取引 | swap transactions, swap dealings |
新株引受権 | pre-emptive right (to subscribe for new shares) |
インターバンク取引 | interbank exchange dealings |
マージン取引 | margin transaction |
引張試験 引張り試験 引っ張り試験 | tension test |
引違い戸 | double sliding door |
引用書 | reference book |