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降 : Descend
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descend, precipitate, fall, surrender
お.りる お.ろす ふ.る ふ.り くだ.る くだ.す
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 596 |
Unicode: | 0964d |
jis208: | 25-63 |
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降 Usage examples
降圧剤 | drug to lower blood pressure, antihypertensive |
降任 | demotion |
降車口 | exit |
降雨林 | rainforest |
降神術 | spiritualism |
降格人事 | demotion |
降雪量 | amount of snowfall |
降ひょう 降雹 | hailstorm, hail |
降壇 | leaving the platform |
降り止む | to stop raining or snowing |
降り込む 降込む | to be blown in (e.g. rain), to sweep in |
降り募る | to rain harder |
降り続く | to continue to rain or snow |
降りしく 降り敷く 降敷く | to lie scattered, to be strewn with, to be covered with |
降り積もる 降積もる | to fall and pile up (e.g. snow), to lie thick |
軍門に降る | to capitulate, to surrender, to submit to, to concede |
降神 | spiritualism, spiritism |
降等 | demotion |
降魔 | conquering the devil |
主役から降ろす | to relieve someone of the leading role |
乗客を降ろす | to discharge passengers |
逓降変圧器 | step-down transformer |
天から降りる | to fall from heaven (the sky) |
降っても照っても | rain or shine |
圧密降伏応力 | consolidation yield stress |
急降下爆撃 | dive bombing |
昇降舵 | elevator (aviation) |
乗降客 | passengers getting on and off (a train) |
放射性降下物 | radioactive fallout |
小降り | light rain, drizzle |
雨降らし 雨降 | sea hare (esp. species Aplysia kurodai) |
下降気流 | downward air current |
滑り降りる | to slide down (a hill) (e.g. ski, toboggan), to slip down |
昇り降り | rising and falling, going up and down |
天孫降臨 | the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess |
途中降機 | stopover |
清水の舞台から飛び降りる | to make a leap into the dark, to take the plunge, to jump in at the deep end, to jump off the stage of the Kiyomizu temple |
飛び降り自殺 飛降り自殺 飛降自殺 | killing oneself by jumping (e.g. from a tall building) |
降り場 | drop-off point (e.g. ski lift, bus, taxi), exit ramp |
降誕祭 | celebration of the birthday of a saint or great man, Nativity |
キリスト降誕祭 | Christmas |
霜降り作り | fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water |