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項 : Paragraph
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paragraph, nape of neck, clause, item, term (expression)
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 頁 (181) |
Usage Rating: | 884 |
Unicode: | 09805 |
jis208: | 25-64 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
項 Usage examples
項に分かつ | to paragraph, to itemize, to itemise |
項目別 | itemized |
項領 | collar, neck |
方程式の一項 | member of an equation |
項位置 | argument position |
束縛変項 | bound variable |
関連事項 | related (relevant) matters, matters relevant to the subject |
機密事項 | confidential matters |
記載事項 | items mentioned |
重要事項 | important matter, matters of weight |
優先事項 | priority matter |
了解事項 | understanding (between the two) |
外項 | outer term |
項番 | item number |
三項演算子 | ternary operator, conditional operator |
該当事項 | relevant (applicable) information (items) |
留意事項 | points to note, points of concern, matters to keep in mind, matters that require attention |
毒薬条項 | poison pill (anti-takeover measure) |
変項 | variable |
違約金条項 | penalty clause, breach of contract clause |