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豪 : Overpowering
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overpowering, great, powerful, excelling, Australia
こう ご すぐる たけ たけし ひで まさる
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 豕 (152) |
Usage Rating: | 1104 |
Unicode: | 08c6a |
jis208: | 25-75 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
豪 Usage examples
豪華船 | luxury liner |
豪雪地帯 | area of heavy snowfall |
土豪 | powerful local clan |
豪腕 | strong arm, stout arm |
絢爛豪華 | luxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling |
英雄豪傑 | hero, warrior of matchless valor, heroic character |
豪快奔放 | big-hearted and free-spirited, daring and uninhibited |
豪放粗野 | bold and boorish |
豪 | strong, hard, manly |
全豪オープン | All-Australian Open |
白豪主義 | White Australia Policy (pre-1965 Australian immigration policy) |