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国 : Country
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 囗 (31) |
Usage Rating: | 3 |
Unicode: | 056fd |
jis208: | 25-81 |
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国 Usage examples
警察国家 | police state |
経国 | government, administration |
経済大国 | economic power |
異国情緒 | exotic mood, exotic atmosphere, exoticism |
好戦国 | warlike nation |
立国 | founding of a nation |
老大国 | great and ancient nation |
暖国 | warm country |
英数国 | English, Mathematics and Japanese |
外国勢 | (group of) foreigners |
帰国の途に就く | to leave for home |
国侍 | provincial samurai |
国尽くし | enumeration of the names of countries |
国の栄え | prosperity of a country |
国の誉れ | national glory |
国を治める | to manage a state, to govern a country |
軍国調 | wartime atmosphere |
国司 | provincial governor (under the ritsuryo system, any of a group of officials, esp. the director) |
国政を司る | to administer the affairs of state |
国礎 | pillar of state |
国防論 | the question of national defense (defence) |
国民皆保険 | medical insurance for the whole nation |
国会対策委員会 | committee of the National Diet |
国家の柱石 | pillar of state |
国家百年の計 | permanent national policy |
国境を侵す | to violate the border, to invade the frontier district |
国境を固める | to fortify the frontier |
国旗を掲げる | to hoist the national flag |
国慶 | National day (of China) |
国交を結ぶ | to enter into diplomatic relations |
三国志 | Annals of the Three Kingdoms |
清国 | China under the Manchus |
尽忠報国 | loyalty and patriotism |
靖国 | pacifying the nation |
性別並びに国籍 | sex and nationality |
対中国関係 | relations with China |
中国人街 | Chinatown |
常夏の国 | land of everlasting summer |
南阿共和国 | Republic of South Africa |
日出ずる国 日出づる国 日出国 | Land of the Rising Sun |
富国強兵策 | policy of increasing national prosperity and military power |
大和の国 | Yamato, Japan |
英国発音 | British pronunciation |
帰国セール | sayonara sale |
愛国の志士 | patriot |
愛国運動 | patriotic movement |
愛国団体 | patriotic group or organization (organisation) |
日本国民 | Japanese citizen, Japanese citizens |
医師国家試験 | National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination |
英国国教会 | Anglican Church, Church of England |