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腰 : Loins
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loins, hips, waist, low wainscoting
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 1306 |
Unicode: | 08170 |
jis208: | 25-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
腰 Usage examples
腰刀 | short sword |
腰上げ 腰揚げ | tuck at the waist |
腰巾着 腰ぎんちゃく | hanger-on, follower, flunky, sycophant |
腰弁 | low-paid office worker |
腰弁当 | low-paid office worker |
腰付き | gait, posture |
腰布団 | cushion worn round the waist for warmth |
腰気 | leukorrhoea, leucorrhoea, leukorrhea, leucorrhea, mucous discharge from female genitals |
腰羽目 | waist-high wainscoting, waist-high wainscotting |
腰当て | bustle |
腰回り | measurement round the hips |
腰赤燕 | striated swallow (Hirundo striolata) |
腰投げ | hip throw (judo, sumo) |
腰板 | wooden paneling |
腰の物 | sword worn at the waist |
腰垣 | waist-high fence |
腰高 | overbearing, unstable wrestling stance |
腰高障子 | tall-paneled sliding door |
腰弱 | bad back, spineless person |
腰紐 | cord tied around the waist of a kimono before an obi is tied |
腰張り 腰張 | wainscoting, wainscotting |
腰椎 | lumbar vertebra, lumbar vertebrae |
腰縄 | leash |
腰を屈める | to bow, to stoop |
腰を掛ける 腰をかける | to sit down, to take a seat |
腰を据える 腰をすえる | to take a solid stance, to settle down (somewhere), to settle in |
障子の腰 | lower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door) |
太刀二腰 | two swords |
話の腰を折る | to interfere, to butt in, to interrupt someone |
本腰を入れる | to set about in earnest |
物腰の柔らかい | gentle-mannered |
腰囲 | hip measurement |
腰間 | hips |
猿の腰掛け | polypore (bracket fungus, esp. of family Polyporaceae) |
腰掛け仕事 腰掛仕事 | temporary employment, a temporary job while looking for a better job, work just to kill time |
態度物腰 | attitude and demeanor |
弱腰外交 | weak foreign policy, weak-kneed diplomacy |
二重腰 | bent back, stooping back |
へっぴり腰 屁っ放り腰 屁っぴり腰 | weak-kneed, timidity, lack of nerve |
腰パン | pants worn in such a manner |