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陰 : Shade
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shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1393 |
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陰 Usage examples
陰刻 | white line (woodcuts) |
陰と陽 | the positive and the negative |
陰阜 | mons veneris, mons pubis |
陰謀を企てる | to plot against |
陰陽の理 | principle of duality |
陰で動く | to act behind the scenes |
木陰で憩う | to take a rest under a tree, to rest in the shade of a tree |
諒陰 | court mourning (for the late emperor or empress), national mourning |
陰極管 | cathode(-ray) tube |
陰金田虫 | ringworm (of the groin), jock itch, tinea cruris |
陰金 | ringworm (of the groin), jock itch, tinea cruris |
グラム陰性菌 | gram-negative bacteria |
陰で糸を引く | to pull wires, to pull strings |
陰イオン | anion |
陰核 | penis |
陰樹 | shade tree |
外陰炎 | vulvitis |
陰忍 | camouflaged ninja |
陰陽五行 | the cosmic dual forces (yin and yang) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese cosmology |
陰陽和合 | the harmony of yin and yang energies |
太陰崇拝 | moon worship |
陰間 | actor-in-training in kabuki |
光陰極 | photocathode |
熱陰極 | hot cathode |
陰陰 | forlorn, dark and desolate |
新陰流 | Shinkage-Ryu (style of Japanese fencing) |
陰口をたたく 陰口を叩く | to backbite |
太陰月 | lunar month |
陰道 | love-making technique |
陰極板 | negative plate |
陰茎包皮 | foreskin |
陰核包皮 | clitoral hood, prepuce of clitoris |
陰乍ら 陰ながら | secretly, unbeknownst to the parties involved |
太陰太陽暦 | lunisolar calendar |
陰陽暦 | lunisolar calendar |
山陰地方 | San-in region of western Honshu (incl. Tottori, Shimane, northern Yamaguchi and sometimes northern Hyogo and Kyoto prefectures) |
陰府 | path to the netherworld (underworld), Hades, Hell |