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座 : Squat
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squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 广 (53) |
Usage Rating: | 588 |
Unicode: | 05ea7 |
jis208: | 26-34 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
座 Usage examples
白鳥座 はくちょう座 | Cygnus (constellation), the Swan |
蜥蜴座 とかげ座 | Lacerta (constellation), the Lizard |
座元 | theater proprietor, theatre proprietor, producer |
座中 | gathering, theatrical troupe |
座付き 座付 | working in the theater (theatre), attached to a particular theater |
座礼 | bowing while sitting |
座卓 | low table |
座所 | throne |
座食 | living in idleness |
座浴 | sitz bath |
座員 | member of a theatrical troupe |
座席指定券 | reserved-seat ticket |
座骨神経 | sciatic nerve |
座骨神経痛 | sciatica |
座業 | sedentary work |
座像 | seated figure (e.g. of Buddha), sedentary statue, sedentary image |
座敷牢 | (Edo-period) room for confining criminals or lunatics |
座談 | conversation, discussion |
座頭 | leader of a troupe |
座頭 | masseur (usu. blind) |
座頭鯨 | humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) |
座職 | sedentary work |
風鳥座 ふうちょう座 | Apus (constellation), the Bird-of-Paradise |
鳳凰座 ほうおう座 | Phoenix (constellation) |
上座に据える | to give (a guest) the seat of honor (honour) |
機関座 | seat of an engine |
権力の座 | position of power |
尻座 | crouching |
高峰八座 | eight lofty peaks |
駒座 | Equuleus (constellation), the Colt |
座布団を当てる | to sit on a cushion |
司教権座 | the episcopal seat |
盾座 | Scutum (constellation), the Shield |
妻の座 | status of wifehood |
鉄砲座 | gunmakers guild |
天子の座 | throne |
仏像二座 | two images of Buddha |
明治座 | the Meijiza Theater |
後釜に座る | to succeed someone in his post |
曲線座標 | curvilinear coordinates |
銀行口座 | bank account |
後部座席 | rear (back) seat |
総合口座 | savings account, deposit account |
短期集中講座 | short, intensive course |
預金口座 | bank account |
視座 | vantage point, viewpoint, standpoint, outlook |
砲座 | gun platform |
アンドロメダ座 | Andromeda (constellation), the Chained Woman |
オリオン座 | Orion (constellation), the Hunter |
ケフェウス座 | Cepheus (constellation) |
ケンタウルス座 | Centaurus (constellation), the Centaur |
ペガスス座 | Pegasus (constellation), the Winged Horse |