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債 : Bond
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Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 728 |
Unicode: | 050b5 |
jis208: | 26-36 |
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債 Usage examples
貯蓄債券 | savings bond |
不良債権 | bad debt |
サムライ債 | samurai bond, yen-denominated loan |
ジャンク債 | junk bond, junk bonds |
ゼロクーポン債 | zero coupon loan |
ゼロ国債 | zero national debt |
ワラント債 | warrant loan, bonds with warrants |
コンソル公債 | consolidated annuities, consols |
永久公債 | perpetual bond |
株式買受権付社債 | bond with stock purchase warrant |
円建て外債 | yen-denominated foreign bond, samurai bond, bond denominated in yen issued by a non-Japanese issuer |
企業債務 | corporate debt |
建設国債 | construction debt |
公債市場 | bond market |
公的債務 | sovereign debt |
国債先物 | government bond futures |
国債発行 | government bond issuance |
債券格付け | bond rating |
債券発行 | debt issuance, bond issuance |
債権所有者 | bondholder |
債権放棄 | debt forgiveness, debt waiver |
債権利回り | bond yield |
債務救済 | debt relief |
債務交換 | debt swap |
債務削減 | debt reduction |
債務帳消し | debt forgiveness |
債務超過 | insolvency |
債務負担 | debt load |
債務保証 | loan guarantee |
社債権者 | bondholder |
短期国債 | treasury bill, TB |
日本国債 | Japanese government bond, JGB |
不良債権処理 | disposal of bad loans |
普通社債 | straight bond, SB |
負債総額 | aggregate amount of indebtedness |
負債比率 | debt ratio |
無担保債務 | unsecured debt |
問題債権 | problem loans |
ユーロ円債 | Euro-yen bond |
変動利付債 | floating rate note |
学債 | school bond or debenture |
学校債券 | school bond or debenture |
累積債務 | cumulative debt, debt accumulation |